Monday, February 21, 2011

Struggling with Chapped Lips?

Chapped lips seemed to creep up on me when I got back from Vacation. I went from 80 degree to 35 degree weather. I can use multiple layers of chapstick, but it doesn't seem to be enough for me. My best solution was exfoliating that dead skin.

I use the sugar lip scrub from Senna Cosmetics. Its removes the dead skin while conditioning your lips at the same time.

 I scoop a pea size amount and rub the scrub back and forth on my lips. I don't mind the scent or taste. Smells sweet and taste like sugar!

 I wiped the scrub off with a wash cloth and ta-da! Instant Happy Lips :)

Senna Cosmetics had a promotion giving out a free lip scrub with any $50 purchase. Looks like they're sold old, but no worries! You can create your own lip scrub. Simply mix a small concoction of
-tiny plash of olive oil

No more excuses for dry chappy lips! Hope you all have a wonderful week! 
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