Friday, April 15, 2011

3 Tips - Talking to Your Bridesmaid's About Makeup and Hair Requirements

You've already decided your style of gown, your chosen colour theme, how you want your hair and makeup to look on your wedding day but what about your bridesmaid's? Of course you want your bridesmaid's to be happy with whatever style of gown you choose for them. It's also really important to get their input on makeup and hair requirements too. But in the end, it's your big day (and your future husband's big day!) so you should have the last say.

A very sophisticated wedding that involved some compromise but a look that really worked well for everyone
Most bridesmaid's I've worked with are very accommodating and will basically go along with whatever the bride asks for when it comes to hair and makeup. But there are the few that have very strong opinions of the type of "look" they want and sometimes the two opinions don't always gel! (along with being a makeup/hair artist I get to be "the diplomat" sometimes too)  :) 

I also have worked with really open minded brides who let their bridesmaid's have free reign on their makeup and hair look.  Those weddings are always lots of fun and usually filled with several different looks.  Ofcourse this type of wedding isn't the norm!

A fun wedding in Hamilton where the bride let her bridesmaid's pick whatever type of makeup/hair they wanted!  We had a blast with these ladies!  Thanks to Jessica Jean Myers for helping me out with this wedding
During my bride trials I always ask my brides what makeup and hairstyle they would like for their big day. We also cover what colours and flowers are going to be at the wedding and the type of gown they will be wearing. During the makeup application and/or hair styling we will also discuss how she (the bride) would like her bridesmaid's makeup/hair to look as well.  It's really important to have your makeup/hair artist understand your full requirements which should also include the requirements of your bridesmaids.
Here are some top tips to help you through!

1. Make a point of including your bridesmaid's in your own wedding makeup and hair decisions so they understand early on what style of makeup and hair you're interested in.

2. Ask your bridesmaid's their opinion about how they would like to look on your big day. The earlier you discuss this the less you need to worry about it! If there are any discrepancies in what she wants compared to what you want, this is the time to settle it, not on your wedding day.

3. Consider how each of your bridesmaid's feel about their own personal style and try to compromise with them so that everyone is happy. For example, if you have a girlfriend with several facial piercings and you would really prefer she didn't wear them on your wedding day because you want everyone to look polished and sophisticated, compromise with her and ask if she would mind taking them off during the ceremony and photo session and perhaps she could put them back in during the reception when the party takes off.
Randa with her mom on her wedding day - both ladies wanted to look classic
From my experience, it only takes little compromise mixed with lots of communication to make things run smoothly and perfectly!

Come by next week when I'll be talking about how to get your nails in shape for your wedding day!
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