Monday, April 11, 2011

Engagement Party!

My favorite girls... The Bridesmaids!

A few weeks ago we threw our engagement party! We invited only our closest friends and family to party the night away :) Everything was perfect from the food, location, music, and environment in general. I could feel the love in the room. Truly memorable!  I can't express too well in words how much fun we had, so I suppose I can do it through photos! 

Celisse's trademark zombie pose!

Benji, best man, and the groomsmen :)

Total Bromance!

We Love Amy & Julian :D They're getting married next year!

opening up goody bags!


Opening up their gifts! Monster beats!
THE best DJ! DJ Tecumseh

Allen, doin his thang!

my beautiful friends :)

Work it! haha

Creative director, Sean and my BFF!

Reetu and Jo made it!

Right before the limo

Here's a video recap of our party :)

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