Friday, April 1, 2011

My Bridal Beauty and Makeup Related Book Recommendations

Welcome to April!  Yipee!  Finally it's here!

Because I love to read and look at pretty pictures of makeup and hair I thought I would share some my favourite bridal beauty books and a couple amazing makeup books that I really like. You will find lots of inspiration in these choices.  Enjoy! 

The Ultimate DIY Bridal Beauty Book By Suzanne A. Minskey

Bridal beauty book focusing on how to's for wedding day looks, skincare, and a comprehensive guide to the best makeup products for weddings

The Asian Bridal Book by Naveeda

Shows beautiful images of comtemporary and classic bridal hair and makeup looks for asian women.
My Bridal Hair Album by Patrick Cameron

I was trained by Patrick Cameron and he's a gem! His books and DVD's are well worth having
Makeup Makeovers: Weddings by Robert Jones

Stunning looks for the entire bridal party
Great Hair: Elegant Styles for Every Occasion by Davis Biton

So many incredible and beautiful styles

The Beauty of Color: The Ultimate Beauty Guide for Skin of Color by Iman
"The Ultimate Beauty Guide for Skin of Color" - I really love this book and have had it for some time now. It really takes you through what works for skincare and makeup for women of colour
Makeup is Art by AOFM
"Professional Techniques for creating original looks" - this book is AMAZING!
Be sure and visit next week when I'll be sharing with you my second wedding vendor interview.  This vendor offers something few others do and I think you will love it!  Wanna know who it is?  See here
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