Konami recently released a gameplay video first Suikoden game is planned to be released exclusively for the PSP. Videos that lasted for three minutes this display images of high quality animation.
PSP Suikoden Genso with the full title Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki planned to be released on February 9, 2012 in Japan. This game will be priced at a price of EUR 5980 for the retail version, the price for the downloadable version has not been announced.
PSP Suikoden game was first announced at the Tokyo Game Show 2011 event by Konami. Later there will be some special editions that are sold in Suikoden Konami online store. The first special edition priced at USD 12,000, contains a CD soundtrack and drama, as well as an art book. Konami online store also offers additional Suikoden special edition bundle for USD 19 500, which contains encyclopedias Genso Suikoden, which is also sold separately for JPY 9450. With spending of USD 9580 player game can get a bundle that only contains an additional CD soundtrack and drama, which also sold separately for JPY 4200.