Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wedding Veils ~ 2 Things You Need to Consider

Over the years I've learned a thing or two about veils!  Below are two important factors to consider before purchasing your wedding veil.

1.  The weight of the fabric is an important factor to consider when choosing your perfect veil. Think about how heavy that fabric is going to feel on your head after 1, 2, 3 or more hours. It's a very common thing I hear from brides who have chosen a heavier veil.  As I place the veil on them I almost always hear... "oh wow, I didn't realize how heavy this was going to feel on after my hair was done!"

The heavier the veil = the more weight your head has to endure = a tender head by the time you take it off.
2.  Think about how you want your wedding hair to look BEFORE you purchase your veil.

For example, are you having a summer wedding, have long hair and want your hair down and are positive you want to wear a veil?  Maybe not a good idea.  If you have your heart set on a down hair style you might want to rethink wearing a veil and here's why....

The moment the scalp becomes warm the veil (fabric) begins to lightly but very effectively stick to the hair that in all probability has been sprayed a great deal with hairspray!

Combine a warm scalp, add in a sticky type product such as hair spray then add a veil and a few hours later, take off the veil and what do you get? Frizz! Veils will almost always work best with updo's!

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