Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wedding Spotlight - Allison's Wedding Day!

On September 22, 2012 Allison got married!  Allison's wedding was part of our hectic Autumn season this year - it was our busiest yet!  I have to say, Allison's big day was one of my favourites of the year.  Mainly because she was a really lovely bride to work with - her communication with me was excellent and she knew exactly how she wanted to look and helped me to see her vision clearly.  It's like I always clear with your desired results and you will be successful! 

Allison's bridesmaids and her mom were also amazing to work with and they were all an incredble support to Allison.  You's things like being really supportive to the bride on her big day that really makes for cherished long lasting memories.  Sometimes it's the small things we overlook during a big event but in Allison's case, I could see the love everyone had for each other and it made for such a touching experience. 

Remember soon-to-be-brides - choose your bridesmaid's wisely because on your big day you will want to be surrounded with those who love and support you the most.

Allison was kind enough to share some of her lovely wedding photo's with me so I'm sharing them with you.  A special thanks to my trusted colleague Jennifer who was a huge help on this day that was full of weddings!  All photo's are courtesy of Eclipse Photography.

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